Happy Turkey Day to you and yours! We pray you have many many blessings for which to be thankful. As usual, we have been terrible at taking pictures...although I think we may have hit an all time low. Hopefully you'll forgive us when you hear about our annual crazy Thanksgiving weekend. Since being married, we have hit up both families every Thanksgiving weekend, a couple days with each. I guess you can't feel to bad for us considering this is self-inflicted, but who wants to miss out on their own family and food. So while we were not taking pictures, we were driving all around Georgia visiting our family in just a couple days, and eating turkey...lots of turkey. We consider ourselves to be incredibly blessed to have family in the same state. We hope your Thanksgiving was as filled with love (and turkey) as ours...and that you remembered to take pictures.
Back to front - Me, Tim, Jeff, Jerry, Judy, Christy, Jason, Davey, my Dad, Sadie, Lailey, Titus (on Christy's lap), Sarah, Maddox (on Sarah's lap) |
*update* I forgot that our family did manage to take a picture. LOL, I can't tell you what a struggle it was to get everyone together, sitting still and looking at the camera (the latter wasn't accomplished 100% but that's ok). So here is my crazy, awesome family. - picture added 6/28/12