Linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter for Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real and This Ain't The Lyceum for 7 Quick Takes.
All you wanted to know, and some you didn't, with a few gratuitous pictures thrown in for good measure.
~ 1 ~
In case you missed it, we announced our big news on social media earlier this week!
He only has 6 more months to practice reading for baby brother or sister. He's gonna be a great big brother. #beingpromoted
~ 2 ~
But if you did miss the announcement or just saw the video and were confused, you were not alone. Apparently the power outage and my serious lack of social media skills prevented several people from hearing our great news. The Hubs posted the above announcement right before the power outage and then when I shared it so it would be on my Facebook wall, I didn't realize it would not share his comment as well so the people that did see the video had no idea it was a pregnancy announcement. My bad.
Pretty! |
~ 3 ~
We had been putting off announcing it because we wanted to do something adorable and fun like last time to announce the news, but it took a while for us to come up with an idea. We had recorded the heartbeat at our appointment and was going to share on Valentine's Day a picture of us all with paper hearts on our chests and one on my belly, along with the recording, and the caption "Growing our family by one heartbeat", but capturing a good family picture by ourselves with a squirmy two-year-old is quite a challenge these days. So alas, our announcement ended up as above and got trumped by the power outage. The second kid always gets the shaft.
~ 4 ~
So now that you know, some of you have been asking all the questions. So to the answers. Matthan is going to have to share quickly because Baby is due in August. Matthan says he is very excited to be a big brother. He is strongly voting for a brother. You all with have to wait along with him to see if he gets what he wants because we are not finding out the gender until Baby decides to make an appearance. Same with names. Some are in the running from last time, some are new, but nothing has been decided on for sure. We're taking name suggestions.
Funny - Little rascal isn't allowed on the coffee table but tried anyway |
~ 5 ~
I'm now into my second trimester, the using-office-supplies-to-hold-my-pants-closed phase. The first trimester was similar to last time with some debilitating nausea. I finally googled "pregnancy nausea" came up B6 deficiency, popped a multivitamin and drank some Vitamin Water, and was playing soccer with my nephew that evening. I'm keeping that one in the tool box for any future pregnancies.
I'm pretty much past any nausea but now I've entered the weird-smells-send-me-to-make-sacrifices-to-the-porcelain-gods and food issues stage. On the list of no-no smells include poop, brussel sprouts, sour cream/Greek yogurt type smells, bad breath, and anything that strikes the nose as weird in the moment. I have a hard time eating anything I've cooked, but can eat the same foods if someone else cooks them for me. The first couple months, cold foods were awesome.
Lent began this week |
I eat about 4-5 peanut butter and honey sandwiches a week, not because I particularly like them, but because it's one of the only things I can get down that will help me sleep through the night, otherwise I wake up in the middle of the night dizzy, shaking, with elevated blood pressure which I assume is due to low blood sugar. This kid better not be allergic to peanut butter.The only major food craving I've had was for Doc Chey's, an Asian fusion restaurant we use to go to in college. The craving went unsatisfied for a couple months until at last week's doctor appointment where I discovered there was a Doc Chey's a mile from the office. I might have teared up a little with excitement...I'm blaming it on the hormones.
~ 6 ~
There have been a lot of similarities to my pregnancy with Matthan, including people's oh so encouraging (eye roll) statements of "You're due in August, you're going to miserable in the heat!" can go away now. I don't think there is ever a time of the year when being nine months pregnant is comfortable, and I prefer my nauseated stage to be in the cold months, thank you very much.
I've had a touch of heartburn already like last time. I don't remember being quite as tired last time though. Symptoms have hit around the same times as last time, but in varying degrees.
I've had a touch of heartburn already like last time. I don't remember being quite as tired last time though. Symptoms have hit around the same times as last time, but in varying degrees.
He wants snow, me too. |
Matthan has been sweet and helpful. I had my head in the sink the other day, and he asked if I was ok. I asked him to bring me my water bottle and when he couldn't find mine, he brought me his. He has helped me keep from wallowing in pregnancy symptoms :)
~ 7 ~
And since the other takes weren't quite so quick, here's the first belly pic.
Half the bump is baby, the other half is peanut butter sandwiches. |