Monday, October 22, 2012

2 Months Old

So hard to believe our Little Man is 2 months old already.  He is so smiley and recognizes faces.  He doesn't do a whole lot more than look cute, but really, when you're that cute, do you need to do more?  He still makes his cute scrunch faces and stretches when we unswaddle him.  And he likes to hold my finger while he is nursing.  He is starting to make sounds and "talk" to us.  He is growing so fast.

1 day old

1 month old

2 months old

Love that smile :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Matthan's Baptism

"[...] God patiently waited in the days of Noah during the building of the ark, in which a few persons, eight in all, were saved through water.  This prefigured baptism, which saves you now.  It is not a removal of dirt from the body but an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ [...]"  1 Peter 3:20-21

Many of our friends and family joined us this weekend for Matthan's baptism, and for a post baptism party at our house after the mass.

Fr. Eric addressing the parents and Godparents

Matthan Timothy being baptized

"For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." 
Galatians 3:27

Being dressed in white garments

Being sealed with holy oil

Matthan was not thrilled with the whole thing.  He fussed through a good bit of it and ended up falling asleep in Tim's arms (which is something he rarely does).  A lot of excitement for the little guy.

Godmother Penny, Amy, Tim, Matthan, and Godfather Austin

Father Eric, Amy, Tim, Matthan, and Deacon Nick

Grandpa Jim, Maddox, Aunt Sarah, Amy, Lailey, Tim, and Matthan

Sophia, Penny, Grandpa Peter, Amy, Ava, Grandma Mary, Tim, Matthan, Muriel, and Austin

I didn't allow Tim to wash Matthan's head for two weeks.  The nursery and car seat smelled like holy chrism for several weeks after that.  Aw, sigh, I miss that smell.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Matthan's Baptism Weekend

This weekend we had family and friends come into town for Matthan's baptism.  Matthan got to meet his cousins Ava and Sophia, his great grandmother Muriel, and many others, who were all quite smitten with him.

Cousins - Ava (6 years old), Sophia (3 years old), and Matthan (2 months old)

They couldn't get enough of him and entertained him all weekend

Great grandmother Muriel and Matthan

Aunt Penny brought up a couple different baptism outfits, and Tim felt that Matthan needed to try on all the pieces.  Matthan was not so thrilled with the fashion show.  Mommy vetoed the bonnet.

We headed to the nearby Buford corn maze and pumpkin patch where we had taken pictures previously.

The girls got to ride the ponies, pet some animals, and play in the "corn box" (instead of sand box).

Sophia on the pony

Ava in the "corn box"

The girls also got their faces painted.  Ava got an owl (? I think ?), and Sophia got Ariel.

Grandma Mary, Ava, Sophia, and Grandpa Peter with the pumpkins

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Tim helped me venture out of the house for a couple hours today for some family pics at the nearby pumpkin patch.  Last weekend was quite eventful for us.  After a few weeks of a plugged milk duct getting bigger, trying to solve it with time consuming home remedies, ultra sound therapy, antibiotics, and enduring weeks of pain and mastitis, I had to go in for ultrasound imaging and mammography.  I was admitted to the hospital that night and had surgery that Saturday morning to remove, in the words of the surgeon, "an abscess the size of a grapefruit".  I've been recuperating (read as "sleep induced by heavy pain killers") all week while Tim has been playing Mr. Mom and working from home.  Did I ever tell you how amazing my husband is?  So, I was excited to get out of the house, for a couple hours, and then I went back to bed completely exhausted afterwards.

Amy, Tim, and Matthan (almost 2 months)


The Matthan Face

Matthan and Daddy

We decided to prop Matthan up on the ground leaning against a pumpkin.  I was standing right next to him knowing he could topple....

Matthan preemptively flicking us off - I think he knew what was about to happen

But he was just too fast and toppled over before I could catch him...right as a hay wagon with about 35 people pulled up to witness the new parent blunder.  You could hear the collective "gasp" from the onlookers.  Parent Award of the Year goes to.......not us.

On the tractor

Tim's clearly the better photographer of the two of us.

Matthan and Mommy