Friday, September 4, 2015

Inappropriate Use of Hashtags ~ A Week's Worth

It's Seven Quick Takes Time. Here's a glimpse at our riveting week with all the glorious hashtags and grainy iPhone pics to go with it.

~ Saturday ~

I don't even remember what happened on Saturday. There was sleeping and eating and baby feeding. 

~ Sunday ~

Lucy slept through mass. #secondchild #angelbaby

~ Monday ~

My husband went back to work today. My sister in law goes home tonight, which means I'm on my own tomorrow for the first time with both kids. #IwishIdrankcoffee #Imighthavetostart

I think I struck fear in the heart of my 3 year old when he realized that I was willing to stop feeding the baby to discipline him. #mommydoesntdodefiance #timeout #cansomeoneputmeintimeout? #mommyneedsanap

~ Tuesday ~

I kept myself and the two kids alive all by myself. #weareallstillinpajamas #maybewecandothis #Imighthavetotakeupdrinking #coffeeImeandrinkingcoffee

~ Wednesday ~

Got the kids ready and in the car all by myself #twice #applauseplease

It's Daddy's 30th birthday! 
#gotdressedup #butnoonetookapic #adultdrinkswerehad 

 ~ Thursday ~

Got a few minutes of outside time. #wasonthevergeofbecomingahermit #sunlightwhatsthat

~ Friday ~

Mommy got a shower. #becausetheinsurancemaniscomingovertonight #bothchildrensleeping #cantdecidewhattodofirst #blogofcourse

That's a wrap. Go visit Christy, who is hosting Seven Quick Takes for Kelly

Happy Friday!


  1. Visiting from the QT link up!

    A. Loved the hashtags
    B. Surviving the first few weeks with 2 is a challenge! Going from one to two is huge! Coffee and showers are a must

    1. Welcome! I wish coffee worked for me but it doesn't seem to have an effect. But I'm a much nicer person (and mother) if I've had a shower. -Amy Z

  2. I had to stop by after seeing the picture of your little baby - so precious! And Congratulations!
