{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} - Nesting
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Sprout is estimated to make his/her appearance a week from yesterday, which means I am in full nesting mode. There are several things that have not been taken care of...we're running a little behind...we just got the carseat installed last week. My SIL, Penny, is staying with us for a few days while she attends a conference and has given me one of the greatest gifts you can give a 9 months pregnant, nesting woman...she asked me, "What around the house is bothering you? What can I do for you?". God. Bless. Her.
So while she cleaned my kitchen and living room floors, and washed our cloth diapers that finally arrived (yay!), I was able to work on the nursery painting. It's so close to being done...well the painting...not the nursery. sigh. I can't wait to post pictures of the nursery, but I'm waiting until there are a couple more things done.
Tree painting in nursery - almost done |
Our cloth diapers arrived yesterday! Penny cut all the tags and got the wash going and now I have this adorable sight in my laundry room...
...and breakfast nook. :) It makes my nesting heart very happy to have this accomplished...as well as clean floors and a clean shower. Have I mentioned that my SIL rocks!
So when did my house start having baby things in it? I find it quite amusing that almost every room I look in now has traces of evidence that we will be having a little one any day now. It's also funny that the Hubs lost his keys for 45 minutes the other day...very unusual for him. Well, that's not the funny part...the funny part is that he had been playing with the stroller and car seat the night before and was like "look, it even has a space for your keys so you won't lose them"...we searched the whole house (which isn't that large) and found the keys in the key holder of the stroller. LOL.
More baby things |
My poor ankles |
As uncomfortable as I already am...yesterday I had a new development...goodbye ankles. :( I had been doing so well and thought I was going to get to avoid that...but sadly no. My ankles were twice as big as in the picture last night. I guess that means any day now... yikes!