Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend 2014

The only thing on the required packing list

For two of the last three years we have hosted Easter in our home (and somehow I only have a post about the one from three years ago.  I'm going to have to go picture diving for last year's event...).  However this year, we set aside hosting duties to travel to Savannah to see one of our friends come into the Church at the Easter vigil.  It was really such a sacrifice on our part... to travel to beautiful Savannah and partake in the bountiful feast Easter party that our friend Thabo threw for her husband Chris (the newly confirmed).  We just suffered through.

The best shot we could get at the end of a very long day (before the Easter vigil).

In all seriousness...the rainy, dreary weather of Good Friday helped set the mood for our day of fasting and remembering that Christ had to die before he could resurrect.  And after more rain on Saturday, we were ready to celebrate our risen Lord.  Alleluia!

This smile didn't last for long friends.  

About half way through the readings Matthan decided he had had enough and melted down until he fell asleep on Tim's shoulder and slept the rest of the Mass.  We tried to get a family picture again following mass.

On Easter Sunday we hunted around the house for our Easter gifts.  The sunshine finally peaked through!  In the afternoon, we went to the Easter party and spent the rest of the day catching up with old friends.  

On Monday the weather was beautiful and we spent most of the day outside at the park. 

Great-Grandma Muriel and Matthan

Matthan walked and climbed most of the time.  And then he sat with me practicing drinking water from a cup.  What can I say, he's easily entertained.

Cousin Jo-Jo and Matthan

We watched "Uncle Tim" and Joey play football and fly a kite.


Aunt Penny and Joey

Grandma took time on her lunch break to come visit everyone.

Grandma Mary hugs

Matthan and Cousin Sophia (Fe-Fe)

And the girls skated on the sidewalk that runs along the edge of the park.

The skating girls - Ava (left) and Sophia (middle)

Part of Grandma Mary's Easter gift.

It was a wonderful Easter weekend.  He is risen!  Alleluia!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happy Boy and Bunnies Who Eat My Garden - PHFR

We had a 100% chance of rain forecast on Tuesday and it didn't rain at all.  Since then the weather has been beautiful this week, and so I decided to mend my hermit-ish ways for the sake of Little Man and get him outside.  


First time playing with a bucket in the sand

The Hubs and I worked in the yard last weekend and brought Matthan out with us.  Our yard does not drain well leaving a large mud puddle in the middle of the grass.  I thought Matthan might be squeamish about it.  He was not.  He crawled and walked, and pushed his "bike"  (red and yellow car in pic below) through the mud with no problem whatsoever.

Yesterday, I gave him a little watering can and a bucket of water.  Hello cheap entertainment.  He stayed fixed to that spot watering himself until the bucket ran dry.  

How to grow an adorable child - just add water 


Happiness is mommy's lap and bowl full of grapes

Give my child a new book and he is happy.  He likes cars and dogs so what could be better than "Go Dogs Go".  I am was going to put it into his Easter basket, still probably will, but I couldn't resist giving it to him early.  I read it to him, and then he read it to himself for a while.

For the boy who loves books so much, I figured going to the library would be super fun.  It was.  But he had no interest in the books.  He climbed around this amphitheater and walked up and down the aisles for a good portion of an hour.  Fine by me.  I sat there and read my gardening book.


Speaking of gardening, we're attempting a vegetable garden again.  Bunnies are cute, I know.  But when I spotted them in my yard this week, I had several evil thoughts go through my head as to how to dispose of them.  Last year, they ate our garden... twice!  I've already put a lot of planning into this years garden, and me and Mr. Bunny are going to have to come to an agreement or I'm going to have to bop his Little Bunny Foo Foo-ness on the head.  I haven't ruled out some kind of fence but our garden is built into the hill and a fence would be a lot of work and money.  

On a sort of related note, as in vegetables... stick with me... The Hubs and I started a nutrition plan this week which includes no gluten, no dairy, no soy, no artificial sweeteners, no alcohol, and low added sugar.  We're trying to work out some health issues of mine, and see if they're food sensitive related.  Five days in and it's not horrible except right now I really really want a McDonald's fish sandwich and a donut.  The Hubs made me a nutrition plan approved chocolate treat so that I wouldn't feel so deprived.  That is love.  I know that there are a lot of food sensitive people out there so I might share some recipes.  Matthan approved of our quinoa spaghetti.  And once we figured out that he didn't like the "end" of the asparagus, he ate two large stocks.  


This is less "funny" and more "how to soothe an irritable child".  I think Little Man's teeth were bothering him the other day.  Whatever the reason, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  See Exhibit A.

However, I possess the great powers to make him smile.

But then he woke up from his nap inconsolable.  And I really needed to make dinner.  I gave him a dose of medicine and set him up in the kitchen with his Grandma-made fuzzy chair, fish "cwackuhs", and his "ying-ying" (blanket), so that he could watch me cook.  He stayed there until Daddy came home.

Hope all of you are well and blessed!  Now go check out Like Mother, Like Daughter to find other blog posts with the theme "Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real".  

round button chicken

Friday, April 4, 2014

7 Quick Takes: Picture Dumping and Exciting Lent Projects

Happy Friday everyone!  It's time for 7 Quick Takes!

I hope that your Lent is going well.  Have you seen my Lenten themed table?  It makes me happy.  It is the only clean room in the house at the moment, and it is a good reminder of the liturgical season.  I'm thinking about doing a post on the environment and our spiritual lives.

Speaking about posting...eckhmm...sorry for the lack thereof.  I haven't been feeling inspired lately.  Or if I do get inspired, the inspiration and memory of what I was going to post about gets pushed out of my brain by my child who has decided that ear piercing screams are the best way to communicate at the moment.  We're working on it.  The screaming.  And the posting.  Would you accept picture dumps without my prattling?  Would you tire of "look at my adorable child" picture only posts?

I'm not the only one that enjoys taking pictures of Matthan.  He has a fun time doing it too.  He loves to get his hands on my phone whenever I'm looking the other way.  He got ahold of it the other day and was on camera mode so I flipped the camera so he could see himself.  He took 71 pictures and videos.  This one was the only one where you can see more than his forehead.

Matthan selfie!

Matthan managed to mess with my settings which we discovered after we took this photo.

We finally managed to get a photo of me on my new bike (financed by some Christmas money,  Thanks Grandma!).  We've been going riding every chance the weather has given us.  Matthan loves it too.  He sits behind Tim, pats Tim on the back, and kicks Tim in the butt, and yells "Puppy!" at all the puppies we see at the park.

And in other super exciting news!  I cleaned our fridge!!!  And spared you the "before" picture.  I always loved how clean the fridge looked when we moved out of our various apartments, and always told myself that I should do it more regularly.  And now I remember why I don't do it more regularly.  It is really hard work to get everything out of the fridge and because I'm a little OCD and remove all of the shelves and drawers to scrub them down.  I also realized that I need to pay closer attention to expiration dates.  Building up immunity over at our house!

Matthan got a new car too!  He gets in it, shuts the door, and says "Bye bye" and repeats over and over and over.  He doesn't actually like to move in it yet.  He likes it to be wedged between the counter and the chair so that it doesn't roll as he crawls in and out.  Crazy child :)

And since my child seems to be going for a record of how long he can talk to himself before he takes a nap today, here is a picture of him napping.  So sweet.

Last weekend, the Hubs and I were busy working in the kitchen when I realized that we hadn't heard from Matthan in a while.  I looked into the living room and there he was, chilling on the floor with his tiny prayer book that he carries around.  A picture of contentment.

I think Matthan might be trying to grow up a little too fast.  He is already trying to fill Tim's shoes.

Have a happy Friday and a blessed weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!