Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Bump in the Night, Or Rather a Poke

On Sunday, we headed to Decatur to teach our friends Liz and Nick to dance.  They took us to brunch at Wahoo Grill and I had a some very yummy french toast.  After a long, really fun afternoon of cutting a rug we headed home.  It was subtle...so I wasn't really sure...but I looked at Tim and said, "I think I just felt Sprout move".

I was heading home tonight from the girls' Bible study and I felt the same thing.  I had the funny thought that it felt like a tiny finger poking me from the inside.  I called my sister and asked her what it felt like the first time she felt my niece move.  She said, "Like a tiny finger poking me from the inside."

LOL, I think that confirms what I felt.  I have have a little wiggler inside. :)

~18 weeks

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mount Grocery Bag

I learned to save plastic grocery bags for things such as trash can liners...but saving them has led to this...

Before :(   I had to move the vacuum cleaner, it was holding up the grocery bag mountain

Complete take over of my pantry by grocery bags.  At first glance you'll probably notice the giant pile on the floor, but then you'll notice the trail from higher up... first the bag above that was supposed to be holding the rest of the bags, then the bag on the very top where I started stuffing them because the first bag couldn't hold them all.  This is such a riveting post, isn't it?

On Pinterest, I saw a handmade grocery bag holder and decided that's what I needed...along with some initiative to clean my pantry.  On the other side of my pantry (no picture, just assume it's as messy as the first side) we have a Goodwill bin...

Side note:  We have a Goodwill bin that we put things in when we think we want to get rid of them, but we only actually take it to Goodwill after several months, that way if there is something that we really shouldn't get rid of yet, we have a last chance to rescue it.  But, if we haven't seen or thought about it in several months, off to Goodwill it goes.  And now I digress...

I thought I might find something in the Goodwill bin to use for my craft project and I found this...

I laughed when I found this, because...it wasn't mine.  I immediately walked into the room and tried to ask the Hubs in a very nonjudgemental, non-laughing tone "where did this come from"?  No offense to anyone who likes Miss America...but the thought of my husband with this hat was comical.  He said someone gave it to him... I would have pushed for more, but he was waiting on a business call...I'll find out more later.  No one probably thinks it's as amusing as I do anyway.  

So after a little sewing...and organizing and mopping...I had a new grocery bag holder...

I used parts of the hat to make the label

And now my pantry looks like this...

After :)