Friday, August 8, 2014

Water, Water, and More Water (7 Quick Takes)

If you don't like a lot of pictures of cute smiles, this blog post is not for you.

We found a park a while back that has a little man-made stream running through it and we've gone to play in it several times this summer.  It's just Matthan's size.  He loves to go through the water to the other side, up over the bridge, down and around the path, and then leans around the bush and yells "I see you, Mommy!", and then runs back up the path, back over the bridge and through the water to me.  Repeat 1,457,643 times.

I have a hard time sleeping when there is light in my room, but I'm not a huge fan of the face masks I've tried.  I didn't want to cover the lights on our baby monitor completely.  It only took almost two years for my husband to suggest putting a sock over it.  Perfect solution and it kind of looks like Santa Clause.  Maybe?  Kind of?  I think so.

In case you missed my post about us taking Matthan to the beach for the first time, click on the picture below to go see more pics.

I can't help myself.  Every now and then I get a hankering for the 'ole WaHo.  The Hubs doesn't care for it, but every now and then I can convince him to accompany me to get some waffles.  One Saturday morning, I decided I needed waffles and hash browns.  Now you must understand that I don't usually keep juice in the house (really because I'll drink way too much of it).  I treat it like a treat...

Decided he was in fact a fan of the hat after grumpily accepting one from the nice older gentleman.

... and when Little Man gets it... it's oh... soooo...good.

Have you ever seen a more intense face of satisfaction?

Speaking of Little Man, I try to find jobs for him around the kitchen.  He stacks cans.

He just did this one day when I left the pantry door open and it has become a daily habit.  He is really good about putting them back in the pantry when asked, so now his new job is helping me put away food in the pantry after grocery shopping.

I asked him to smile.

We met with my friend Bridget and her son Bo at the mall fountain the other day.  The water was. so. cold.  The boys played in it anyway, and I did not get out dry.  It has very strong streams of water... that change patterns.  During one pattern, all of the streams are hitting the center of the circle and it hurts a bit if they hit you.  Well...

...Matthan had run into the center of the circle and sure enough the pattern changed nailing him with full force of all the streams, and I had to rescue my dear panic-stricken boy from the deluge.

A drastic change has occurred as of recent.  Inspired by my five year old niece who recently donated her hair...

... I decided if I was going to cut my hair, I might as well do something good with it.  It's the second time I've contributed to Locks of Love, but it's still pretty weird to see that much hair come from me.

Happy Friday everyone!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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