Friday, October 11, 2013

7 Quick Takes (vol. 4): Snail Mail, Scary Soda Cans, and Making a Difference

My Little Man loves "reading" books, and he's so cute while he's doing it.

I've started a new painting [deep breath].  It's still in the drafting/sketching/rough draft phase.  When it is finished, it will be hung above our bed.

In the spirit of iconography  (the artist is supposed to pray while they "write" the icon), I am going to try to pray while I paint.  If you have any prayer requests, e-mail me (see e-mail address in #3) or leave them in the comments.

Remember the envelopes I made?  I sent one as a thank you note to my grandma and one is going to a friend in a care package.

That leaves me with four remaining pretty envelopes.  Who doesn't love receiving snail mail?  If you would like to receive a real piece of mail from me along with your weekly junk mail, leave your name in the comments, then e-mail me your address at lostbutholdinghands at gmail dot com (with the appropriate symbols of course)*.  The first four will receive a handwritten note encased in a pretty envelope.

It would be super-fan-tabulous if you had a blog and posted a picture of yourself with the piece of mail/pretty envelope and linked back here, but this is definitely not a requirement.

Did you know that you can take your kids to a fire station and get a tour for free?  My sister did it this week and her kids LOVED IT!!

Would you drink this?

Little Man and I went to have lunch with Daddy this week -

- and on the lunch room bulletin board, I spotted this little gem...

This week, I am supporting my brother-in-law's efforts to make a difference in his community.  I've mentioned it here and here already, but it bears repeating.

My brother-in-law, Dave, will be running the Atlanta Marathon for the second time on October 27th, and this time he is running it in honor of the amazing students at The Joseph Sams School (where my sister works).  To raise funds for the school, he is asking people to donate $26, one dollar for every mile, or any amount that you can spare.  Here is a video about the school: 

Please support Dave's efforts in supporting this amazing school by visiting and clicking on "DONATE" in the bottom left of the page.  All the money goes directly to the school and no amount is too small.  Thank you!

*(From #3) If you're one of the family members or friends that receive my blog posts via e-mail, and you'd like to be a recipient of the snail mail, click on the link at the bottom of the e-mail that you receive to go to my blog.  Leave your name in the comments section.  You can assume that I have your address unless I tell you otherwise.*

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. It is amazing how no one gets "real" snail mail anymore. I used to check my post office box daily when I was in college; everyone did. My daughter only checks hers when she is expecting something (a package) but is on her phone checking email and fb constantly.

    1. Yes, we (my generation) do things "faster" but not necessarily better, in my humble opinion. There is something so nice about snail mail. I bet your daughter would love some snail mail. Maybe you could arrange for a family member or friend to send your daughter a piece of snail mail each month that she is in college. I would have loved that! College is such a crazy time.
