If you have a minute, please read my post from yesterday - "In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month".
I'm sure you know by now that sunshine removes stains from cloth diapers. But did you know that sunshine removes wing sauce? You're welcome.
I know that I'm already linking to Conversion Diary today, but I thought you'd all like this particular post that she wrote: "What is the Religious Climate in Your Part of the World?". She asked people to answer survey questions such as "How appropriate would it be if a person were to acknowledge that he or she is a believing Christian?" and "What belief system do the politicians in your area claim to practice?". People answered in the comments section, and the contributors are from all over the world. It is incredible how different it is for people in other countries. We forget.
I'm technologically challenged. The only reason I have a picture at the top of my blog is because my husband edited it and put it there for me. Technology and I do not have a good relationship. I worked as a waitress in high school at a restaurant that had POS systems for their cash registers. They told me I couldn't mess it up. Within 10 minutes I had three computers down and they were calling the manager in to fix them. Do not underestimate my power. However, I've decided to try to conquer this long-standing love/hate relationship I have with technology, and attempt to learn how to use our Nikon camera. We'll see. The majority of pictures on this blog were taken with my iPhone. If they're blurry...
...grainy, weirdly composed, or look a little off... I likely took them. If they look beautiful composed and edited, The Hubs likely took them. But he had a communication arts major in high school where he was a camera man, so...ya know...he's got a head start on me. This photo wasn't so shabby...go me and my iPhone!
Of course, it could be more the subject and less my picture taken skillz. ;)
When I give Matthan a bottle (which he's almost completely weaned off of, oh my breakin' mother heart), I usually snuggle in bed or on the couch with him and hold him in my arms and I hold the bottle for him. When Daddy gives him a bottle...
"Here son, do it yourself" |
That's why he has two parents, because it didn't even occur to me to do it that way. But that's cool, I'll take my snuggles.
I'm still working on that new painting. Trying to find time to paint when I have a one year old is a little difficult. So in the mean time, I'll feature some others.
This is a painting that I did for The Hubs. It's a 14x16 (approximately, I'm too lazy to actually get up and measure it) acrylic painting of a picture that we took on our second date. We perched the camera on a rock to get the shot.
I'm going to do a Matthan update soon. I have so much to tell you! But in case you're new around here, here was the last update.

Happy Friday!
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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