~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter
I have some sad news . . .
RIP Guido |
Guido the fish died last week. He went to a watery grave. I'm pretty bummed. He was a very good fish.
Now that that's over... Fall is in the air! Or, you know, what we consider fall down here in the South. The weather we're having might resemble a summer day for some of you up North, but by golly I can open my windows and not be suffocated by heat and humidity. It's glorious!
Recognize this wreath? Same wreath, different door. I had good intentions to spiff it up this year, but at this point, I feel accomplished by getting it on the door, ya know? Besides, I think it's kind of pretty in it's simplicity.
I attacked my office/craft room/catch all room this week. I even organized the closet (but I couldn't get a good picture of it). To remind you of what the room looked like before...
Before |
And now it is a real, functional space! Of course, I'm not showing you the random odds and ends still up there, but hey, look at the progress!
After |
I'm still struggling with the junk shuffle. You know, where junk gets shuffled from one room to the next depending on what room I'm cleaning that day, never settling in a permanent place. I have a huge, unmanageable pile in the guest room at present. Sigh. But every time I get down about the junk shuffle, I think of the truffle shuffle. Because we all know how my brain works around here.
Fall around here means one thing... football! Go Bulldawgs! Aren't these adorable salt and pepper shakers just a happy little sight (Thanks Dad!)?
Another thing that makes me happy is cuddling. I may have bribed Matthan with the DVD remote to get some cuddling. Mommy broke the rules (No remotes for toddlers). I'm going to pay for it I'm sure. Totally. Worth. It.
I think Matthan may have a favorite magnet. He's been crawling around with the lowercase "L" for the last week. It's not in the picture because he's currently carrying it around the house with him. I even put it back on the fridge in the middle of all the other magnets, and this morning he went straight for it and pulled it off the fridge.

Oh my gracious your cuddle picture is so cute and yes, totally worth it!
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