I'm so very behind with posting, but instead of catching up, I'm going to distract you with a 7 Quick Takes post and adorable pictures...
See... you've already forgotten that you haven't seen all the incredible family pictures we took over Christmas yet. But here is a little gem to whet your appetite.
And, I desperately need to do a Matthan update. He changes so fast that I can't keep up. Like, he's getting into stuff. And no, I could not get them all back into the box.
52 Card pick-up is for amateurs... 500 Q-tip pick up is for the pros. |
Some things don't change, he still loves books :) |
Clearly I need to clean out my bathroom cabinets because it looks like I have little monsters living in there. :)
Matthan is starting to get the hang of feeding himself and is starting to be more adamant about doing things himself. But he has figured out that when it comes to spaghetti, it's more efficient to have Mommy feed him, and he begs me to feed him.
I wanted to do as many homemade items for Christmas as possible. I thought it would be fun. I did have to cut some projects, but here is what I managed to do.
Coffee cozies for my sister and sister-in-law |
Including their initial on one side |
My grandmother gives out handmade birthday cards to all of the people in her Sunday school class and she mentioned that she doesn't have pretty envelopes. So I made her envelopes.
Painted a Batman piggy bank for the nephew |
And probably the one that I'm most proud of is the painting I did for The Hubs. It wasn't
this painting (that I haven't accomplished yet for lack of the canvas size we want), but I pulled this one off without The Hubs finding out. It was inspired by a huge, very expensive painting that we saw in an art museum.
Continuing with the homemade theme,
I made envelopes a while back and wanted to have cards to go with them, but wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I discovered embroidery cards, so I embroidered cards to go with my homemade envelopes.
The Hubs and I noticed this year that
our nativity set doesn't have a camel. A friend of ours, who lives in Israel, sent us a Christmas package (more about this another time), and wouldn't you know it? It had a camel! We're delighted!
I get such a kick out of watching The Hubs and Little Man interact in their unique way. Little Man definitely loves his daddy.
King of the Daddy hill |
That's all for today folks!