~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~
Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter
I have been really wanting to get back into blogging, and not just to silence those who have lovingly been bugging me telling me that they check my blog every day and are disappointed every day by the lack of new posts. I have been reading a ton lately and growing so much personally and have so many thoughts going through my brain that I'm starting to feel very cluttered mentally (hmmm, I wonder if my house is a reflection of this....nah). So, because I'm not ready to delve into the clutter quite yet (in my house or my brain), I'm participating in Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real.
This weekend (*which will be a whole post at some point), we went hiking over by the Buford Dam. We have hiked here before, but not with a one year old in the backpack. While eating our picnic lunch, I noticed the detail on this lamppost, and I thought it was pretty. I love details like this.
A friend posted this on Facebook along with a thoughtful reflection. It was supposed to be reflective and inspiring, but I'm sorry, it made me laugh. I must explain. I paint (pictures, not walls) occasionally, and when I do so, I tend to use very small paint brushes. To me, I do so because I'm careful in painting details. To my husband, this practice is wildly inefficient. He teases me, sometimes relentlessly, about painting with my "one haired paint brush". So when I saw this today, it made me laugh.
"It is with the smallest brushes that the Artist paints the best paintings" |
I texted it to my husband with the message "HA!! There is a reason for my madness!" :)
My son makes me laugh all day long. He even cracks himself up. I would love to be as easily amused as him. He will often flirt with me while my husband is feeding him a bottle. Or, I'll try to make him laugh because it's funny to see him try to drink his bottle and laugh at the same time; it produces some funny snorting sounds. He seems to get funnier the more tired he is. So the other day, when he was so tired he was practically falling asleep while Tim was giving him a bottle, he grabbed the blanket on Tim's lap and started playing "Where's Matthan?".
"Where's Matthan?" |
"There he is!" |
And as a bonus "funny": Matthan dropped all of his toys out of the bath tub and then wondered where they had gone.
I have wanted to create a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary of sorts in our master bedroom for a long time. I've now realized that doing so will not be a dramatic HGTV-like weekend makeover. It will be a drawn out process. But, progress is progress, right? Right. Here are some colors we're considering. We currently have 5 colors painted on our wall, because I just wanted to make sure we got it right. Bless my husband's patience.
Now, anyone want to paint my bedroom for me?
Go check out more {Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real} posts at Like Mother, Like Daughter.

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